Salt dough is versatile. Today we use it to make beautiful flower medallions from it. These can be tied to gifts as pendants, be tied together as mobile or decorate bouquets.
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

First you need flowers. You can just take a walk and pick a bouquet.
Then make the salt dough. Place flour, salt and water in a bowl and knead everything into a dough. Roll out the dough about 0.5 cm thick. Then you can cut out medallions from it.
Place the medallions on a baking tray. Add a hole to hang with a straw.
Now put the flowers on top and press in a little bit. If possible roll over with the noodle wood.
Then the flower medallions have to dry. In order to keep the colours of the flowers as strong as possible, I recommend to let the salt dough dry in the air. In addition, let the sheet with the salted egg pendants dry out to a dry and dark place for a few days. With us it took 3 days. In the meantime, you can turn the pendants around, so that they can dry well from below.
Are the flower medallions dry you can pull a cord through to hang the pendants. Have fun.
First you need flowers. You can just take a walk and pick a bouquet.
Then make the salt dough. Place flour, salt and water in a bowl and knead everything into a dough. Roll out the dough about 0.5 cm thick. Then you can cut out medallions from it.
Place the medallions on a baking tray. Add a hole to hang with a straw.
Now put the flowers on top and press in a little bit. If possible roll over with the noodle wood.
Then the flower medallions have to dry. In order to keep the colours of the flowers as strong as possible, I recommend to let the salt dough dry in the air. In addition, let the sheet with the salted egg pendants dry out to a dry and dark place for a few days. With us it took 3 days. In the meantime, you can turn the pendants around, so that they can dry well from below.
Are the flower medallions dry you can pull a cord through to hang the pendants. Have fun.
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Dear adventurers, we made the offer. It worked great. We are not so good hobbyists, but we like kneading and so it was a lot of fun. The result can really be seen. In addition, there was of course a snail and funny structures with flowers. The tip to dry the pendants in the dark was great. So the colors remained nicely strong. In any case a clear recommendation and 5 stars!
Dear BaSo, Thank you for the valuable tip that the followers are not only for adventurers who enjoy making, but also for all those who like to knead with their hands and pan and mange. Very nice are your „ lustful formations“. Very creative! Did they then come from the rest of the dough or did you at some point have more desire to make something different?
Dearest ones, Thank you for the feedback. I am happy if others benefit from our ideas and I have a lot of fun sharing them. Look over, Elfi