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Play marbles – 4 game ideas

Material for1 ChildAdv. Time15 min.Total Time15 min.

Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(38) Murmeln spielen – 4 Spielideen'

 6 Groundnuts

1. Roll marbles: The children play with the marbles and let the marbles roll.
They try to toast each other's marbles so that they move each other.
In the garden or on the terrace, children can try to move the marbles into a corner or transport them to a small hollow.
Attention: it is important to stay with small children so that the children do not put the marbles in the mouth (hazard of swallowing!)


2. Curve marbles: The children mark themselves a playing field. At the end several small figures e.g. Lego figures or Playmobil figures or other small objects in this size are placed. These figures must be thrown over by the marbles. Each child has 10 attempts and who has overturned the most figures won.


3. The marbles lurch: We paint a circle on the ground we scatter in this bit of sand. On it we lay the marbles. With a larger marble or a larger ball the children try to lup the smaller marbles out of the circle. For this game it is suitable to use as many marbles as possible. Alternately the children try to lup the marbles out of the circle. Who gets the most marbles out won.


4. Marbles boules: A larger or striking marble is placed 2 meters away on the ground. The children try with their marbles as close as possible to the larger or more conspicuous marble. Who first touched this marble with its marble won.