„Kasperl“ Building Theatre

Rating5.09.8 thousand times & (1) DifficultyIntermediate

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Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Kind bastelt eine Rassel mit dem Navi
The Adventure Navi, the app for DIY projects, enables media education for the youngest.

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(47) „Kasperl“-Theater bauen'
Material for1 Child
Prep Time5 min.Adv. Time55 min.Total Time1 Stunde
 1 Children's table
 1 Stoolhere we have used a piano stool
 2 Wool blankets
 1 optionally a small carpet or a fur for the table
 1 Clothes clip
 2 Tapes
 4 Cuddly animals or Kasperl figures or the like

Place the first blanket on the table and pull until it is at the back of the floor. This allows the children to sit and play behind the table without being seen.


Put the carpet or fur on the table.


Together with the children, put the stool on the children's table. At the same time, the children show that this can not be fixed completely and can therefore also slip and fall down. Therefore, stay with small children (hazard of injury!).


Place the second ceiling over the stool. Put up the front in the middle with a clothes clip. Roll the ceiling on the stool on the back.
Tie the sides together with the tapes so that a theatre is created.
In the case of young children, it is also enough to simply put the sides aside. That holds the same.


Now the kids can play.
Maybe they still want to build a landscape.
Yes, according to age, the children can also replay a picture book or they make up a story.


At the end, the children perform their work. They are the enthusiastic spectators.


 1 Children's table
 1 Stoolhere we have used a piano stool
 2 Wool blankets
 1 optionally a small carpet or a fur for the table
 1 Clothes clip
 2 Tapes
 4 Cuddly animals or Kasperl figures or the like



Place the first blanket on the table and pull until it is at the back of the floor. This allows the children to sit and play behind the table without being seen.


Put the carpet or fur on the table.


Together with the children, put the stool on the children's table. At the same time, the children show that this can not be fixed completely and can therefore also slip and fall down. Therefore, stay with small children (hazard of injury!).


Place the second ceiling over the stool. Put up the front in the middle with a clothes clip. Roll the ceiling on the stool on the back.
Tie the sides together with the tapes so that a theatre is created.
In the case of young children, it is also enough to simply put the sides aside. That holds the same.


Now the kids can play.
Maybe they still want to build a landscape.
Yes, according to age, the children can also replay a picture book or they make up a story.


At the end, the children perform their work. They are the enthusiastic spectators.

„Kasperl“ Building Theatre

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