Map with snowmen

This Snowman card is ideal for winter greetings, for Advent or for Christmas. Even small children have fun dopping the snowmen and larger children are not limited in the creativity of the design.
All you need is white finger color, colored clay paper and felt pens.

Start your adventure!

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Interactive instructions prepared so that children can do it themselves!

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 1 coloured clay paper (blue, brown, black, green)from a DIN A4 paper you get two folding cards or four small cards
 white finger color
 Builder's pad
 Felt pens in red and brownor orange and black


Prepare the cards and place the craft document.


Then you pat the balls of the snowman. For this, the fingertip of the index finger dips into the white finger color and pats two or three balls on top of each other.


Repeat the process and put as many snowmen as you like on your card.
Then let the paint dry.


Then paint a hat, the eyes, the mouth, the buttons and the arms of the snowman with the felt pins. Finally you paint your nose.

Tip: Come up with stories while painting. Do the snowmen talk to each other or laugh at each other or throw each other at each other?


Your Snowman cards are ready.


Now write in a nice greeting and you can give it away.
Have fun!