Feeling bags and alternatives

Rating5.09.2 Thousand times & (1) DifficultyAdvanced

Whether a bag, pot or cardboard box, you can feel here. Fill the bag (or the alternatives) with different objects. Use items you have at home. I have some ideas for playing with a bag today.
In addition to the joy of playing, the sense of touch is in demand here.

Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Kind bastelt eine Rassel mit dem Navi
The Adventure Navi, the app for DIY projects, enables media education for the youngest.

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Titelbild zur Bastel- und DIY-Idee für Kinder '(361) Fühlsäckchen und Alternativen'
Material for1 Child
Adv. Time20 min.Total Time20 min.
 Sensational packets You can sew, buy, use a Santa Claus bag or a small bag.
 6-8 items
 Picture maps to the objects
Cards and items for a touch bag

For the picture cards you photograph your selected objects, print them out and if you want you can also laminate them.
But you can also just paint it.


These are our items: a bite ring, a toothbrush, a small face, a clothespin, a heart, a bear's head, a stone and a crown cap.

Bild zum Schritt 3 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Das sind unsere Gegenstände: ein Beißring, eine Zahnbürste, ein kleines...'


Tip: You don't have a bag?
Then take a pot or bowl, put the items in it and cover them with a dishcloth.
Alternatively, you can also put up a cardboard box, cut a hole for your hand and place it as a visual protection.
Have fun!

Play with the touch bag

Place the cards with the objects hidden on the table. The side with the objects pointing down.

Bild zum Schritt 6 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Legt die Kärtchen mit den Gegenständen verdeckt auf den Tisch....'


The first child exposes a card.

Bild zum Schritt 7 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Das erste Kind deckt eine Karte auf.'


Now the child is looking for the object of this card in the touchbox. What do you feel? How does it feel? Take the opportunity to talk about what you feel. Is it soft or hard, fluffy or rough, warm or cold, etc. That's how children learn to describe objects by the way.

Bild zum Schritt 8 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Nun sucht das Kind den Gegenstand dieser Karte im Fühlsäckchen....'


A touch bag is especially suitable for children who do not want their eyes to be connected. Especially small children often don't like it. Then a touch bag is great, here they can just put their hand in it and feel.

Bild zum Schritt 9 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Ein Fühlsäckchen eignet sich besonders für Kinder, die ihre Augen...'


If the child has found the item, it will be shown and placed on the map. Then the next child will be in turn.


We often repeat the game countless times and the children come every now and then with objects that are also suitable for the touch bag and then want to play. Just try it out.


 Sensational packets You can sew, buy, use a Santa Claus bag or a small bag.
 6-8 items
 Picture maps to the objects


Cards and items for a touch bag

For the picture cards you photograph your selected objects, print them out and if you want you can also laminate them.
But you can also just paint it.


These are our items: a bite ring, a toothbrush, a small face, a clothespin, a heart, a bear's head, a stone and a crown cap.

Bild zum Schritt 3 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Das sind unsere Gegenstände: ein Beißring, eine Zahnbürste, ein kleines...'


Tip: You don't have a bag?
Then take a pot or bowl, put the items in it and cover them with a dishcloth.
Alternatively, you can also put up a cardboard box, cut a hole for your hand and place it as a visual protection.
Have fun!

Play with the touch bag

Place the cards with the objects hidden on the table. The side with the objects pointing down.

Bild zum Schritt 6 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Legt die Kärtchen mit den Gegenständen verdeckt auf den Tisch....'


The first child exposes a card.

Bild zum Schritt 7 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Das erste Kind deckt eine Karte auf.'


Now the child is looking for the object of this card in the touchbox. What do you feel? How does it feel? Take the opportunity to talk about what you feel. Is it soft or hard, fluffy or rough, warm or cold, etc. That's how children learn to describe objects by the way.

Bild zum Schritt 8 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Nun sucht das Kind den Gegenstand dieser Karte im Fühlsäckchen....'


A touch bag is especially suitable for children who do not want their eyes to be connected. Especially small children often don't like it. Then a touch bag is great, here they can just put their hand in it and feel.

Bild zum Schritt 9 für das Bastel- und DIY-Abenteuer für Kinder: 'Ein Fühlsäckchen eignet sich besonders für Kinder, die ihre Augen...'


If the child has found the item, it will be shown and placed on the map. Then the next child will be in turn.


We often repeat the game countless times and the children come every now and then with objects that are also suitable for the touch bag and then want to play. Just try it out.

Feeling bags and alternatives

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