A small picture frame full of luck. Small mushrooms are made from stones and semicircles made of red paper. With white paper circles or white paint dots, fly mushrooms are made from the mushrooms in no time at all. Stick these on the picture and write "good luck" and a beautiful gift is finished e.g. for birthday, Mother's Day or just so. Have fun!
First removes the disc from a picture frame and places a monochrome sheet in the frame.
Then you put 4 elongated rounded stones on the frame. Each stone produces a small mushroom.
Cuts out circles from red paper.
Tip: Use a cup as a template.
Now fold a red circle to half.
After that, you fold the half circle again to half. Thus, a quarter circle is created.
Now you fold the quarter circle again into a half circle. Then you cut the half circle apart at the fold. The paper is still double.
So travel with all circles. You may use different shades of red.
In total, you need 4 folded circles.
Then you put a quarter circle on each stone.
Then you cut out many very small white circles.
These circles stick to the mushrooms as points. Small fly mushrooms are created.
Now decorates the frame with a lettering such as "Good luck!"
A strip of green paper on the lower edge of the frame, makes the picture plastic. Then glues the stones and mushroom heads with hot glue on the picture frame.
Attention when handling hot glue - burn risk!
Finished is a small gift or frame full of happiness.
Have fun doing crafts with children!