The mixing of colours fascinates many children. Let the children mix themselves. Go into the garden or mix on a tray or baking tray. Crepe paper is particularly well suited for these experiments, as it quickly releases the colour to the water and the colour runs are beautiful to see.
Already coloured water can also be mixed with each other.
Make sure that you need more water from the light colour (here: yellow) than from the dark colour (blue or red). Here only a small drop is enough.
First, fill the three glasses with water.
Then put a few yellow snippets of crepe paper in one of the water glasses.
Stirs with a wooden stick in the glass. So the paint dissolves from the crepe paper and dyes the water yellow.
Adds a second glass with yellow crepe paper.
Repeats the process with the blue crepe paper.
Here you see the leakage of the blue color particularly well!
Now put in one of the glasses with the yellow color a small snippet of blue crepe paper.
Stir the crepe paper with the wooden stick.
The water turns very quickly. The colour is green.
Removes the dyed crepe paper from the glasses.
Now you have a glass of yellow water, one with blue water and another with green water. Children can always deal with coloring and experimenting with the water. Let them practice and try out their ideas.
For this purpose you first color two glasses with yellow crepe paper again.
In the third glass put her red crepe paper. The water turns red.
Now remove the dyed crepe paper from the glasses.
Now you need another glass. This glass is empty.
Now you pour half of the yellow water glass into the empty glass.
Then fill a few drops of red water with it.
Tip: You can also use a pipette!
You can now watch the yellow water turn orange.
Have fun trying and experimenting!