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Strong cucumber lollipops – 3 variants

 1 Salad cucumber
 Apple decore
 Cutting board
 Wood skewersDepending on the number of "Lollis"
 10 Party tomatoes
 1 Pack of mini mozzarella balls
 Kitchen crepe
 1 Viennese sausages
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Before it starts, wash hands thoroughly with soap and put on an apron.


Wash the cucumber and cut off the tails.
Attention! The knife is sharp and you could hurt yourself. Get help with an adult if you need it.


Cut cucumber into approximately 1 cm thick pieces.


Stitch out of each cucumber slice a hole with the apple dekerner.


Here's the result.

1. with party tomatoes

Wash tomatoes and dab dry.


Choose a party tomato that fits into the hole in the cucumber's disc. Tomato carefully put into the hole.
Children train their assessment (which tomato fits through?) and they develop a sense of the level of strength and sensitivity to place the tomato.
? Just push the tomato gently into the hole, so the cucumber disc does not break.


Stick a wooden skewer through the cucumber slice on the side and push through the middle of the tomato. The skewer should not look out on the other side.
Make sure you don't sting yourself with the top of the wooden skewer.


The cucumber tomato skewer is ready.

2. with mozarella balls

Dip mozzarella balls dry on a kitchen crepe.


Put mozzarella ball carefully through the hole in the cucumber disc.
You can add 5 cucumber slices with mozzarella again.


Push the wood spit through the entire cucumber slice and the mozzarella cheese again.


The cucumber mozzarella skewer is ready.

3. with Viennese sausages

Cut off a thick piece of cucumber.
Maybe your cucumber is bigger or smaller? Then you might have more or less lollipops later. You're doing great!


Stand out a hole (with the apple detonator).


A Viennese sausage is put through the hole in the cucumber. It is not problematic if the sausage sits loosely. It is then fixed and held by the spit.


Cuts off the sausage tip. Sausage and cucumber are now flush.


Then cut the cucumber piece into approximately 1cm thick strips.


Put a wooden skewer through the cucumber slice and the sausage.

The different variants can also be combined

A colorful mix of stuffed cucumber skewers. Maybe you can think of more delicious cucumber lollipop ideas!

There's more here Finger Food Ideas.


Finally, clean up the materials and throw the waste into the trash can. Used dishes can be placed in the dishwasher and wipe off the work surface.