A lucky pig is a nice gift for the New Year, as a lucky charm for a nice occasion or for recovery.
Use this template and lay down your own lucky pig.
Go row by row and start laying from below. The children learn how to count and how to work with a template. Try it yourself! Have fun with the template.
Use this template. Print it out and place it under a transparent insert or use it to read the beads if you use an opaque insert. (Both are possible!)
Get ready the necessary temple beads.
Begins from one side and counts the pearls of the first row of the template.
Put the beads carefully into the plate.
Working with temple beads requires concentration so that the stuck beads do not fall out again. If necessary, take a break!
Sometimes mistakes creep in when putting the beads. You can fix mistakes well. But you can also change the template as you like it.
When the pig is done, all it has to do is iron it.
Put a piece of butterbread paper on the set motif (pig).
Iron carefully over the butterbread paper under which the temple beads lie.
Always carefully dissolves the paper and checks whether the beads are already sufficiently fused together.
When the pearls are fused together, you turn the whole plate.
Loosen the plate carefully and place on the temple beads another butterbread paper. Now irons also this side and merges the beads.
Now put the finished motif and the butterbread paper under a book and complain to the pig until it is cooled down. So your lucky pig does not deform.
The Beading Pig is ready.
Have fun with the ironing bead plug.