Many children love to pick flowers. This is connected to this small craft. This small flower vase is made from a cardboard box. Be creative in terms of shapes and colours. As a fine motor highlight, the children can end up putting the freshly picked flowers into the punched holes. This creates an individual flower vase with a daisy bouquet.
Get a cardboard box, pencils and scissors ready.
Then you paint a vase. Important: You can't do anything wrong when painting a vase, because you want to create individual works of art.
Therefore help only when painting the basic form. Painting or decorating the vase can also be done by very small children alone.
Paints, for example, stripes, circles or just paints them completely with coloured pencils.
Then cut out the finished painted vase. Leave an additional stripe with 3 cm length at the top of the vase.
In the additional extension strips you now punch holes with the hole pliers. Let an adult help you with this.
The vase is ready.
Now the flowers are missing:
Picks fresh daisies with the children.
Now begin to plug a flower into each of the holes from the front.
This requires dexterity.
They train children through this craft.
Crib children can help you by holding the box.
Have fun doing crafts!
If you want to give away this flower vase, you can fix the flower stems on the back with an adhesive tape. Not that they slip out during transport.
Stay creative!