We make of flowers and clay magical mandalas. All you need for this is clay, a glass lid of a alarm glass and flowers of forest and meadow. Some flowers should be put on for decoration and others serve as a stamp. See for yourself how such a beautiful flower mandala arises.
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

First you collect the flowers to decorate and the flowers you want to use as a stamp. For stamping, for example dandelion or poppies. You will find the flowers at the edges of the path and on meadows, as well as in the forest.
Now you're making a bullet out of clay.
You press this clay ball into the glass lid. Push the clay into it until a smooth surface is created.
Now you press patterns in the tone with the stamps of the flowers.
Then you push the flowers and leaves to it.
This is how easy a beautiful flower mandala emerges.
For example, you can use this flower mandela as a coaster for a candle or give away.
Tip: You can already design this beautiful flower mandela during a forest and meadow walk.
First you collect the flowers to decorate and the flowers you want to use as a stamp. For stamping, for example dandelion or poppies. You will find the flowers at the edges of the path and on meadows, as well as in the forest.
Now you're making a bullet out of clay.
You press this clay ball into the glass lid. Push the clay into it until a smooth surface is created.
Now you press patterns in the tone with the stamps of the flowers.
Then you push the flowers and leaves to it.
This is how easy a beautiful flower mandala emerges.
For example, you can use this flower mandela as a coaster for a candle or give away.
Tip: You can already design this beautiful flower mandela during a forest and meadow walk.
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