As a gift at Easter or simply so, these banderoles or labels for a special bottle are e.g. self-pressed juice, syrup or smoothie.
You can simply print the templates for the banderoles, cut them for your bottle and put them around them.
Removes or overglues the existing labels, and makes them an original packaging.
Look how it works here!
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort

Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!

Select a template!
If you print it out, you can also use a colored paper.
Cut your banderoles for your bottle.
Measure the size for the label. Measure how high the straight surface of your bottle is - before the bottle neck starts - and draw from this measure one centimetre.
Transfers the measure to the printed template.
Draw lines with the appropriate dimensions or fold the paper according to the dimensions.
She then cuts the banderoles.
Put it around the bottle and shorten it to your circumference. Let the banderoles overlap a bit. Then you stick the banderoles together with an adhesive tape.
Maybe you can embellish your template with colored pencils individually.
A small pompon as a dick looks particularly pretty.
You can also make this yourself very quickly.
You can find instructions here in the adventure market.
Decorated with a beautiful ribbon, your homemade or purchased juice is quickly packaged noble.
Enjoy giftgiving!
Select a template!
If you print it out, you can also use a colored paper.
Cut your banderoles for your bottle.
Measure the size for the label. Measure how high the straight surface of your bottle is - before the bottle neck starts - and draw from this measure one centimetre.
Transfers the measure to the printed template.
Draw lines with the appropriate dimensions or fold the paper according to the dimensions.
She then cuts the banderoles.
Put it around the bottle and shorten it to your circumference. Let the banderoles overlap a bit. Then you stick the banderoles together with an adhesive tape.
Maybe you can embellish your template with colored pencils individually.
A small pompon as a dick looks particularly pretty.
You can also make this yourself very quickly.
You can find instructions here in the adventure market.
Decorated with a beautiful ribbon, your homemade or purchased juice is quickly packaged noble.
Enjoy giftgiving!
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