There are many good reasons why you should try a massage. The touch, be it with your hand or with a ball, is relaxing. They calm the children, promote good sleep, but also promote motor skills and tactile perception and they strengthen the relationship between you and the child. So you can just try the massage or you do it when your children are very restless and irritated.
Media Education for Kindergarten and Hort
Relief in everyday life, targeted promotion of individual children, independent learning and - without any pre-knowledge already usable by the youngest!
The children collect all the balls they can find at home. Big balls, small balls, soft balls, bouncing balls, throwing balls, table tennis balls, flummib balls, etc.
Now the child chooses a ball. The children should now roll along the ball on their legs, then roll over the belly. Then the children can select another ball and also let the ball roll over the body. How does that feel? Give the children some time to experiment and experience.
Then the child lays down on the ground. Best on a soft base, that can be a carpet, the bed or a yoga mat. Now you take the ball and let the ball roll slowly over the child's body. How does it feel? It tickles somewhere?
Makes for a quiet situation, no loud music on the radio, no TV running by the way and also the mobile phone should not necessarily ring now. Just turn it off or off. Try it, whether you play for example quiet music or listen to birds' chirping or just enjoy the silence.
Then take another ball. Apply a slight pressure, then roll the ball very easily again. You can let the ball circle up and roll off. Name the body positions. For example, now the ball rolls over the left arm, then over the left leg to the left foot etc.
You can also take two balls and let them roll together. Watch what your child likes.
Depending on the age, the children can also tell when massaging. But also allow the children to feel their body and say nothing.
Children are very different and also react differently in different situations. Some want to tell you what they experience and the others rather enjoy or feel.
The children collect all the balls they can find at home. Big balls, small balls, soft balls, bouncing balls, throwing balls, table tennis balls, flummib balls, etc.
Now the child chooses a ball. The children should now roll along the ball on their legs, then roll over the belly. Then the children can select another ball and also let the ball roll over the body. How does that feel? Give the children some time to experiment and experience.
Then the child lays down on the ground. Best on a soft base, that can be a carpet, the bed or a yoga mat. Now you take the ball and let the ball roll slowly over the child's body. How does it feel? It tickles somewhere?
Makes for a quiet situation, no loud music on the radio, no TV running by the way and also the mobile phone should not necessarily ring now. Just turn it off or off. Try it, whether you play for example quiet music or listen to birds' chirping or just enjoy the silence.
Then take another ball. Apply a slight pressure, then roll the ball very easily again. You can let the ball circle up and roll off. Name the body positions. For example, now the ball rolls over the left arm, then over the left leg to the left foot etc.
You can also take two balls and let them roll together. Watch what your child likes.
Depending on the age, the children can also tell when massaging. But also allow the children to feel their body and say nothing.
Children are very different and also react differently in different situations. Some want to tell you what they experience and the others rather enjoy or feel.
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