Step-by-step instructions for installing the app "Adventure Navi" on Apple devices and registering in the app.
To start installing the app, you need the Internet browser on your phone.
In the search field of your browser you enter the following: and click Search or Enter.
This is the home page of the app "Adventure-Navi".
Click on the symbol marked in red below.
A new dialog window opens. Then click the "Add to Home Screen" button.
Then click on "Add".
Here you can see the installed app on your screen. You can now access the Adventure Navi directly via the app icon.
Try it out!
Here you can see the start page of the app again.
The next step is the registration and registration as a user of the app.
On the top left you can see that unregistered users have 3 test adventures free.
In order to be able to use the app fully during the test phase, click on the gear wheel at the top right with a double click.
There you get to the free registration.
Double-clicking on the gear opens this dialog window.
First selects the menu item "Log in/Register".
A new dialog box appears.
Already registered users can log in again with user name and password.
To register for the first time, click on "Not registered yet?"
Registration is free and easy.
You need a username, a valid mail address and a password.
When these fields are filled in, something scrolls down.
Further down in the dialog box you set the hook in the red marked area for consent to data processing according to data protection and click on "register" at the end.
We did it!
Now you are registered and logged in and have access to all adventures of the adventure navis. By clicking on the blue button at the top left you get to the start page of the adventure navis.
On the Home page you can either choose one of the categories or browse through all the adventures.
Have fun with it!