Baking gives many children great pleasure. Especially when such beautiful faces arise. You can discuss different feelings and the facial expression. Enjoy!
Add all ingredients to the kitchen machine and mix for 1.5 minutes (level 3-4).
The finished dough should be tough. If the dough is too liquid, then it will melt. Maybe add some flour.
You need a cup of water and two teaspoons. Now you dip the two spoons into the water. So the dough slips slightly from the spoon. Now put some dough on a spoon and put it on the sheet.
With a teaspoon you take the dough out of the bowl and with the second you push it from the spoon onto the sheet.
Distributes the dough with a little distance on the sheet covered with baking paper.
You may need a second sheet.
They are finished when they become slightly brown on the ground. Turns to the sample a?with a baking turner. (Let this make an adult!)
The dough should remain light. Is it too brown, then taste the??? dry.
After baking you will turn all??? immediately with a All Baked will immediately turn with a baking turner. So the bottom remains smooth.
Now the dough needs to cool down a bit.
Meanwhile you make the lemon glaze. For this you need a small bowl, half a lemon and powdered sugar.
Now mix the powder sugar with some lemon juice.
The glaze should be thick liquid.
Now take a brush and brush the smooth side with the lemon glaze. coat. Start from the inside and paint with the brush to the outside.
Cover everyone with the glaze.
The glaze should look white. If it is too transparent, then a little more powder sugar stirs under.
Ready is your?.
Now you melt the chocolate glaze.
This works in the microwave or in a hot water bath. To do this, heat your water in a small pot. Then place the bowl with the chocolate in it. Then wait for the chocolate to melt.
Now take the knife and dip the tip in the chocolate glaze.
Drip two dots as eyes on each face.
Think about how your face should look. How do we change our face when we laugh, grin, sad or happy?
Paints a line as a mouth.
Be creative and come up with different facial expressions.???
Brushes half a side in addition to lemon glaze with chocolate glaze. (If the lemon glaze is under the chocolate glaze, then the??? does not taste so juicy.
This recipe is quickly baked, should spontaneously register guests!
Also popular at the children's birthday party or at carnival time with smarties faces!?
Or you spread a few chocolate sprinkles on the still moist lemon glaze immediately.
Finished is a small selection!
Have fun baking!
Freshly made, they taste best!
But they also stay in a closed bowl for a few days and stay super juicy! (Are they not eaten before????)