Advent Stakes

Last-minute Advent candles. An Advent wreath replacement for late deciders?. Take 4 cups and turn them upside down. On the cup floor fit wonderful tea lights. Place them on it and label the cups still with the numbers 1 to 4. So quickly you have conjured up a table decoration. With an ivy tendril or a fir branch the Advent can come.

Start your adventure!

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Interactive instructions prepared so that children can do it themselves!

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 4 Cups
 4 Tea lights
 4 Newsprint circles or coloured paper
 Adhesive strips
 Ivy oak or fir branch
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Take 4 cups and put them upside down on a placemat or a tray.


Now put a tea light on each cup floor.


Then cut out 4 circles from e.g. newsprint.
That's where you draw the numbers 1 to 4.



The numbers are now glued to the cups with a rolled-up adhesive tape.
For this you cut off a piece of adhesive tape and roll it together.



Put e.g. an ivy or a fir branch to the cups and possibly decorate a small mini-light chain.


Your Advent candles are ready for the first Advent.
A lot of joy and a nice Advent season.